June – July VIP Courses Successfully Completed

June – July VIP Training courses successfully completed. If you want to upgrade your flying career to a higher level please join now to our next VIP course!!!
May Initial Cabin Crew Training course Successfully Completed

Initial Cabin Crew Training courses
Flight Attendant day

Always high in the sky!!
We are back. New Initial Cabin Crew Course on May

Our Company is again fully operational. We are starting new classroom trainings, maintaining all the required Health measures and Protocols. New Initial Cabin Crew Training course starts within May. Join our courses. Life goes on !!!
Stay Home

AviationWays encourages you to Stay Home, Safe Lives. We Stay Home!!
Announcement for Coronavirus crisis

Our courses rescheduled due to concerns related to the community spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) It’s time to be united at these crucial times!!!
New VIP Course on March

Do you want to upgrade your flying career to a higher level? Do you want to prepare for a bright flying career? Join our VIP courses and Fly with StyleMarch 2020
February Initial Cabin Crew Training course Successfully Completed

Initial Cabin Crew Training courses
February 3 Days EASA FTL Masterclass (FRM-R) courses completed

3 Days EASA FTL Masterclass Courses
AviationWays in Los Angeles

On our visit to Los Angeles we drove down the homonymous street!!!