
FRM Training for Ground Staff

Increase safety, awareness, staff health and well being as well as productivity

Fatigue Risk Management Training for Ground Staff ORO.FTL.250


This course has been designed to be consistent with the EASA regulations for personnel training in accordance with ORO.FTL.250 & AMC1 ORO.FTL .250. The course is delivered on classroom with updated and customized material. Apart from satisfy EASA and local authority’s requirements this course aims also to increase safety, awareness, staff health and well being as well as productivity.


  • Learn the basics of sleep, circadian rhythm and fatigue
  • Learn about working under conditions that might affect our circadian rhythm
  • Learn about most common physiological problems that could affect our sleep
  • Learn about the regulatory structure
  • Learn how to improve sleep
  • Learn how to reduce fatigue effects
  • Learn how fatigue effect our performance
  • Learn how the FRMS works
  • Learn about mitigation techniques
  • Learn about EASA ORO.FTL

In addition customized part about company’s procedures, FRM system and policy would be included.


  • 6-8 hours according to audience and company’s requirements


  • Αγγλικά, Ελληνικά

Μέθοδος Διδασκαλίας

  • Τάξη
  • Εικονική Τάξη

Ποιούς Αφορά (Ομάδα-στόχος)

  • Crew roster personnel
  • OCC staff
  • Other personnel that effects crew duty and rest
  • Aviation Managers

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